Scheme #10078 Flying Island with Lava and Water

Description: Flying island with water, lava and house
Get .schematic Flying Island with Lava and Water file for Minecraft for free.
Total blocks: 2172
To build this model in Minecraft you will need next blocks:

- 1 cube(s), Grass

- 219 cube(s), Dirt

- 135 cube(s), Red Sand

- 329 cube(s), Cobblestone

- 205 cube(s), Moss Stone

- 249 cube(s), Grass Block

- 163 cube(s), Leaves

- 84 cube(s), Water

- 92 cube(s), Magma

- 100 cube(s), Ice

- 108 cube(s), Red Sandstone

- 172 cube(s), Stone Bricks

- 83 cube(s), Wooden Planks

- 62 cube(s), Wooden Planks

- 24 cube(s), Glass

- 108 cube(s), Clay

- 2 cube(s), Brown Door 3

- 36 cube(s), Pillar